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Club News

End of the Year Party Set

Saturday March 18th

Trekker Lodge/Lapham Peak State Park

6:00 PM

Come have an Italian dinner (maybe a beer/wine or two) and share your ski stories with fellow skiers and hear local end of year ski reviews. Lots of fun prizes too! And at the same time benefit snowmaking at Lapham Peak!

Write a short story about your ski season. The good, the bad, and the ugly! The funnier the better! These stories will be judged and a winner will be chosen. If you are a winner or runner up your story will be read at the event so make it good! You can win a great prize! Send your story to by March 10th.

There will also be a short presentation reviewing the seasons Peak Nordic program, Snowmaking plans, and our Over the Peak review and plans for next season.

It should be fun and we hope to see you there. Italian food will be catered. Doc from Bicycle Doctor will provide the beer!!!! The cost will be $15 at the door to cover your meal and a donation made to snowmaking from the proceeds. You will also need a state park sticker to get into the park. We will need RSVP’s for this event by March 13th as food and beer need to be ordered. RSVP on our website at or to Lynda Stuber at 414-732-9566 or by email to

We hope to see you there!

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